No Excuses Reading Journal for the Classics

No Excuses Reading Journal for the Classics

Every avid reader loves a challenge! Do you want to revisit classics from your youth; like Charlotte’s Web, Chronicles of Narnia, or The Secret Garden? Maybe you have a desire to tackle the works of Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, or Plato. Quite a lofty list of treasured literary classics exists, so choose 50 of these books and add them to your bucket list of reading adventures. Make a list of up to 50 works of literature (or audiobooks) by your favorite classic authors, set a reading goal, and keep track of your progress. Write down your thoughts about each book you read. Did you connect with the characters? Did their struggles mirror your own? Did you learn something new or feel inspired? Featuring four pages of reflective fill-in-the-blanks for every book on your list. Celebrate when you finish, and then grab the next stack of books!

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